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CORC at a Glance

Central organization for rural cooperatives (CORC) of Iran was founded in 1963 to facilitate the development and strengthening of Cooperatives .The article of Association was approved by the Parliament.

 A wide range of empowerment, supporting, training and commercial operations had been planned and operated to actualize the abovementioned goals. To this end, a network, including 8757 cooperative societies and mutual was developed which contains 6745805 members. According to the content of the Article of association, CORC is responsible for rural development through agricultural cooperatives.


The Prominent Legal background of CORC

-*    Law of Cooperative Societies (1948)
-*   Law of funding CORC (1963)

*   Approval the act on founding the cooperative ministry and rural affairs ,dissolution the ministry of land reform and rural cooperatives and further amendment  (1970)

*   Approval of Article of Association of CORC and further amendment (197)

*   By approval the act on policies regarding Article 44 of the Constitutional Law, the cooperatives share in the national economy climbed to 25%.(2008)

*   The law of cooperating production  and further amendments (1981)


*   The law of funding Agriculture-jahad Ministry ((2000)


Providing the facilities for progressing, extension, strengthening of cooperatives, development of economic, marketing, trade and service of cooperatives in nationwide villages as well as facilitating   of the integrated and sustainable development of rural areas  are the most strategically goals of CORC .

 To actualize the abovementioned goals, CORC endeovers to develop or reform all cooperatives and unions including rural, agricultural, rural women and any other societies engaged with agriculture and natural resources.

The Prominent Legal Actions and Duties of CORC

Governing Duties:

The governing duties of CORC toward the network of rural and agricultural cooperatives are divided in four districts:

A) Policy making:


-Organizing, coordinating, qualifying and improving the level of specialized, skill, financial, operational, service and management capabilities of rural(production, women)  and agricultural cooperatives.


B) Guiding

 -Training the cooperative principles and administration of rural and agricultural societies and unions.

-Extension the culture of cooperatives for qualitative and quantitative development of cooperatives

-Training and educating the human resources for CORC and cooperatives

-Providing cultural service for members, staff and managers of cooperatives.


C) Supporting

 - Providing legal, technical, specialized, financial, credit and marketing service for agricultural cooperatives, at the township, provinces and national level


D) Supervising

 -Continuous auditing and monitoring of cooperatives and national, provincial and township unions- Continuous monitoring of the executive duties of cooperatives, syndicates and social mutual.

Duties of the Cooperative Network

1.      Supplying the livelihood and professional need of the cooperative members

2.    Purchasing, collecting, maintenance and selling of agricultural crops as well as other products of rural and agricultural cooperatives and unions.

3.    Marketing of the members 'production through development of direct supply centers and local malls

4.    Providing services for professional and livelihood improvement members

5.      Common employment of the owned or rented farms through establishment of production complexes

6.    Supplying and distribution of agriculture inputs

7.    Development of processing factories and storages for agricultural crops

8.    Holding trade home and abroad fairs for representing, marketing and exporting of agricultural products

9.    Facilitating the extension and education of cooperative members

10.    Supplying credit, contracting and representation of insurance agencies, financial institution and banks.

11.                       Building international ties with the globally cooperative societies according to the set forth law

12.                       Conducting special training courses for members and managers of cooperatives and unions.

13.                       Supplying loans and credit for members through collaboration with other organizations

14.                       Delivering agricultural infrastructure operations facilities and administrative buildings for cooperatives and unions

15.                       Development of agricultural units including cropping, horticulture ,livestock facilities

16.                       Different transactions to meet the members livelihood needs

17.                       Providing advocacy and technical services for development o production projects 

Advantages of the Cooperatives' Network

1.    Appropriate Article of association for rural and agricultural development

2.    Having the appropriately right hierarchical structure (horizontal and vertical)

3.    Desirable distribution and diversification of cooperatives and unions in the rural and urban areas nation wide

4.    Possessing desirable capacity for conceding administrative duties of the government

5.    Desirable capacity for supplying the agricultural inputs and machineries

6.    Facilitating the transactions among cooperative societies

7.    Development of value chain for agricultural staple crops from farm to the fork 

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